Sunday, July 30, 2006

Application: FreeMind

Freemind is an application useful not only for music projects, but for any project worked on. Freemind is a program for mind mapping, a method of putting ideas into a chart that allow a person to think more freely about the project and make connections they may have otherwise missed. This method was outlined very well in the book, How to Think Like Leonardo Da Vinci. I read this a few years ago and have since used the methods for anything from school papers to music projects.

Freemind makes this extremely easy to do. In the example above, I have mapped out some of my current music projects so you can get an idea of what this is and how it might be useful to you.

It is a Java application so it's available for Linux, OSX, and Windows.

Freemind Homepage
Mind Mapping (Wikipedia)

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Posted by DCZX @ 10:34 PM

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